About Us
Our Mission
To profitably market high quality, competitively priced insurance products to our clients and to provide excellent and consistent customer service, focusing on integrity and values in our relationships with the companies and communities we serve.
Established in 1919, Fortner Insurance Agency brings to every new challenge an ever expanding base of experience, rooted in a long history of excellence and stability. Fortner is recognized and respected by insurance companies and insureds alike for its dedication to consistent outstanding service. Fortner Insurance is an Independent Insurance Agency, 100% locally owned by folks who work in the agency. Fortner is affiliated as a Trusted Choice Agent. We serve the insurance needs of individuals, families and businesses, just like you! We take pride in getting the right insurance protection for your needs, superior claim service and ease of doing business.
Today, we serve a wide range of insurance clients and insurance companies. Whatever your insurance needs, Fortner stands flexible enough to devise plans to meet your requirements – and substantial enough to make them work – through extensive service, responsive products, and consistently sound leadership.
Contact us about your next tough insurance decision. We will do our best to make it easier!